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Sunday 1 January 2012

new yearrr with new hope (:

2012..yeah..here you are..huhu..yes i am f3 student ma'am..mr.handsome,kice,kind,sweet,easily,named mr.pmr wait to test me..im ready to became a f3 student but to test with u not mr.pmr..!seriously!so..2012 please be nice for me coz im try to be nice to you..yeh?im try to be a nice girl with a NICE responsibility...wow..hebatt!!ayat bterabur cne na pmr..perghh!x cuak member.?ala pmr je kan.??hihi..senang je tu ..confident ceh..semua cemerlang result nty..tgoklah..hihi..bkn na blagak..but kita kena ada azam..kan?pada 1 hribulan 1 athirah binti nazaruddin berazam utk belajar rajin2 dan brusaha memahami sbaik mgkin stiap isi plajaran (: mr.pmr mnantikuu !hihi..yakin boleh buat..insyaAllah..8A tujuannyye..amin (:
yeah..tu la impian yg sgt diingin kan..dpt mmbggekan ibubapa dan keluarga yg sudah mmbebel terhadapku..nty pun msti dri sndri akan puas kalau tercpai 8A kan.??kan??so!sms bagan datoh (: <--be kind to me !i come as pmr candidates!2 days more bebe!!doakan kejayaanku wahai stiap ciptaan TUHAN!! :DD
thank you (: may Allah bless you !
ku yakin ku bolehh buatt!

#exitedterlebih,eh2semangatlahkawan! ;)

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